Download Rules And Regulations of SRR India
The word “Society” where ever mentioned means “SOCIETY FOR RADIATION
Advanced Centre for Radiation Oncology, Dr. Balabhai Nanavati Hospital, Vile Parle
(W), Mumbai – 400056
a. To promote research in the areas of (a) radiation biology with basic and applied
aspects; (b) clinical radiation biology and oncology; (c) radiation hormesis and low
dose radiation biology; (d) environmental radiation biology, non-ionizing radiation
effects; (e) radiation medicine, radiation technologies; (f) translational research;
(g) terrestrial and space radiation biology and (h) any other relevant research areas.
b. To facilitate integration and interaction of different radiation research areas.
c. To promote the diffusion of knowledge in these research areas through organizing
meetings, conferences, workshops, awareness programs, scientific publications etc.
d. Promote discussion, interactions amongst scientist-public-industry and acting as
liaison to communicate facts and research developments to public, government and
regulatory bodies.
e. Integration of Society with other National and International Scientific Bodies.
f. Facilitate and promote research in areas of radiation research by various means.
Encourage and promote young researchers and students to pursue research and build
career in the areas of radiation research
g. Promote and facilitate education of radiation research in national Institutes and
The jurisdiction of the Society shall be at all over India.
The financial year of the Society shall be from 1st April to 31st March of every year
The membership of the Society is open to all persons and who agree with the aims and
objectives of the Society. They shall have to abide by Rules and Regulation of the said
Society. Membership will be allowed after consideration and approval of the Governing
Council and payment of membership fee decided by Governing Council. Governing
Council keeps the right to reject any application for membership with the provision of
specific reason.
The membership of the Society shall consist of Life Members or fixed term Members.
Categories of Members will be Full Members, Associate Members, Student Member,
Emeritus Members, Overseas Members, Corporate Members, Institutional Members and
Honorary Members. Each category of Members has to pay Membership fee decided by
Governing Council.
The eligibility criteria, rights and privileges of Members are as following:
(a) Full Members: There shall be full membership for Indian Nationals who have
contributed significantly in the area of radiation research and/or allied sciences
and have substantial peer-reviewed research publications (minimum cumulative
impact factor: 10 or 5 international Journals) in the research areas related to
radiation research or Ph.D. qualification in the research areas related to radiation
and/or cancer research/and or allied sciences or substantial clinical experience
with at least M.D./M.S./or equivalent degree. The fulfillment of these
qualifications shall be determined by examination of the membership application
and information provided by the applicant. Applicants for full membership in the
Society must be nominated by two Full/Emeritus members of the Society except
for founder Full Members. Full Members will be Life Members. The rights and
privileges of Full Members will include voting, holding office in Governing
Council and Working Committees, subscribing to the publications of the Society
and participating in scientific meetings/conferences/workshops etc. at rates as
decided by Governing Council. Full Members with minimum 15 years of Full
Membership who have retired from his/her own institution or reached age of 70
years (with minimum 10 years of Full Membership) and do not hold any position
in any Institution, is exempted to pay fee for any scientific events of the Society.
He/she has all the rights and privileges of Full Members except contesting for
any position in Governing Council.
(b) Emeritus Members: Full Member with minimum 15 years of Full Membership,
reached 70 years and contributed significantly to Society may be nominated by
Governing Council as Emeritus Member. He/she will have all the rights and
privileges of Full Members except contesting for any position in Governing
Council and would be exempted from paying fee for scientific events of the
Society. Emeritus Members will be Life Members.
(c) Overseas Members: Scientists/researchers of non-Indian nationality fulfilling
the requirements of Full Members will be Overseas Members of Society. He/she
will have all rights and privileges of Full Members except holding a position in
Governing Council. Applicants for Overseas membership in the Society must be
nominated by two Full/Emeritus members of the Society. Overseas Members
will be Life Members.
(d) Associate Members: Applicants that do not meet the requirements for full
membership or another membership category, but whose interests and endeavors
are otherwise oriented with the objectives of the Society, shall be Associate
Members of the Society. The fulfillment of these qualifications shall be
determined by examination of the membership application and the research
publications of the applicant. Applicants for associate membership in the Society
must be nominated by two Full/Emeritus/Overseas members of the Society.
Associate Members have all privileges of Full Members except voting or holding
position in Governing Council. Associate Members will be Life Members.
(e) Student Member: Students working/interested in area of radiation research will
be student Member limited to five years from time of paying student membership
fee, extendable at intervals of five years. Students acquiring any scientific
position will no longer be considered for student membership. The fulfillment of
these qualifications shall be determined by examination of the membership
application. Applicants for Student membership must be nominated by two
Full/Emeritus/Associate Members of the Society and should produce certificate
from Head of Institution/Guide. Student Member has all the privileges of Full
Members except voting or holding post in Governing Council. Student Members
will be eligible for student travel award and other student privileges decided by
Governing Council.
(f) Honorary Members: Honorary members will be the outstanding scientists in
the field, either from India or abroad, who will be nominated unanimously by the
Governing Council and will be offered membership for life. They shall have the
same rights as Full members except right to vote and to be elected to the
Governing Council. They shall be exempted from paying Membership Fee and
registration fee at the scientific events organized by the Society.
(g) Corporate Members: Any corporation or business interested in the goals and
mission of the Society may join as Corporate Member. The term of corporate
members will be for five years, which may be extended after paying a fee
decided by Governing Council. Applicants for corporate membership must be
nominated by two Full/Emeritus Members of the Society. Corporate Members
will not have right to vote or hold post in Governing Council. Corporate
Members will nominate their representatives for participation and their
exhibition during events of Society at reduced rates. They will add their
advertisement in publications/web page of Society at reduced rate. The reduced
rate and number of representatives will be decided by Governing Council.
(h) Institutional Members: Academic Departments or Institutes may join as
Institutional Members. The term of Institutional members will be for five years,
which may be extended after paying a fee decided by Governing Council.
Institutional Members will not have right to vote or hold office in Governing
Council of the Society. An Institutional Member may subscribe to the Society’s
publications only at the institutional rates decided by Governing Council.
Institutional members will be allowed to sponsor five students as Student
Member and two faculties as Associate Member from their institution for
membership of the Society without additional Membership fee. The Membership
period of these Members will be till the term of Institutional Membership or till
tenure of such member in the institute whichever is earlier.
Age calculation for Membership: Age as on April 1 of that particular year will be
considered and if required Member has to submit valid proof of age.
Governing Council will decide addition/deletion of any Membership category, revision of
their privileges and term deemed necessary with approval of two-third majority of
General Body Meeting.
Rs. 3000=00, Associate Membership: Rs. 1500=00, Student Member: Rs. 500=00, Corporate
Membership: Rs. 30000=00, Institutional Membership: Rs. 20000=00. Deemed necessary,
membership fee for each category of Members will be revised by Governing Council with
approval of General Body with simple majority during General Body Meeting.
All categories of Membership applications (without Membership fee) will be received by
Secretary, who will submit the same to Governing Council for discussion and approval (either by
post or electronically). After Governing Council approval, Membership fee will be collected and
deposited in Society Bank Account by Treasurer, who will issue the receipt for the payment.
Secretary will issue Membership Number and Membership Card after confirmation of receipt of
payment. Membership fee will be paid either electronically to Society Account or through
crossed demand draft and Cheque. No cash payments will be received for Membership fee.
The process of nominated Members like Emeritus and Honorary Member will be initiated and
completed by President in consultation with Governing Council. Secretary will issue
Membership Number and Membership Card to those Members.
All members will be responsible to update their postal, email and other contact details time to
time through written communication to Secretary. All communication from Society to Members
will be on final address and email only.
(a) The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by its members through their elected Governing
Council and Working Committees appointed by Governing Council. Governing Council will be
responsible for General Body. Governing Council shall meet once a year and quorum for
Governing Council meeting will be 8 (eight). The decision/function of Governing Council will
be either consensus or by simple majority of Governing Council Members, in case of any tie,
President’s vote will be decisive.
(b) The Governing Council shall consist of elected Members comprising of one President, one
Vice-President, one Secretary, one Treasurer and nine councilors from research areas of biology
(four), medicine (two), chemistry (one), interdisciplinary (one) and physics (one). Immediate
Past President (ex-officio) and Editors-in-Chief of major scientific journal will be non-elected
Members of Governing Council without voting right. Convener of various Working Committees
will be Councilors of Governing Council, which will be decided by President in consultation
with Vice President.
Editors-in-Chief of major scientific publication of Society will be nominated by Governing
Council after inviting necessary applications.
The term of elected Governing Council members will be for two financial years.
There shall be maximum of thirteen or minimum of seven members elected to the Governing
Council of the Society.
(c) In the event where any seat of office bearer of Governing Council is vacated/vacant or in long
term absence of any office bearer, the Governing Council shall appoint a elected Councilor of
Governing Council to serve until the next election is held or till absence period.
(d) Members of the Governing Council will be eligible for election to the same post for only two
consecutive terms and not for any post for more than two consecutive terms. President will not
be eligible for contesting election for any post in Governing Council for two consecutive terms.
(e) Working Committees will be constituted by Governing Council, in which convener of each
Working Committee will be one of the elected Councilor of Governing Council. The Working
Committee will be constituted as per requirement decided by Governing Council. Working
Committees will be responsible to report to Governing Council and take their approval wherever
necessary. Working Committees will be appointed by the Governing Council with consensus or
majority, whose term will be also for four years or till the term of Governing Council, whichever
is earlier.
(f) Each Working Committee will have 3-5 Members, who will be any category of Member of
Society. Members of Working Committee will be decided by Convener of Committee in
consultation with Governing Council. The duties of Working Committees will be decided by
Governing Council.
(a) The President will Chair the GC meetings, General Body Meetings and look after academic
and scientific activities of Society. In absence of President, Vice President will preside over the
above mentioned Meetings of the Society. Vice President will assist President in academic
activities of Society and will supervise the activities of Society performed by Secretary and
Treasurer. Secretary will be responsible for receiving Membership applications, issuing
Membership No. and conducting election (in the event of Election Officer is not involved in
election process). Secretary will finalize the agenda of Governing Council and General Body
Meeting in consultation with President and Vice President. Treasurer will keep records of
payment received, issued receipts, audits of the Society account and present audited statement
during General Body Meeting. Treasurer will submit audited statement to Registrar of Societies
and any other authority as may be required as the law of time being in force, if any. The
Treasurer shall dispose of the bills of payments as sanctioned by the Governing Council.
(b) Any important papers related to Society shall be kept at the registered office and/or any other
suitable place as per decision by Society.
(c) President and Secretary will be legal representative of Society.
(d) Each office bearer will perform his/her duties. If for some reason he/she is unable to perform
his/her assigned duties, he/she should give written consent to perform his/her duties by any other
member of the Society.
Society will have savings bank account in name of Society in any nationalized bank at city of
registered office, which will be operated by either two out of President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Membership fee will be used as corpus money as asset of Society. Interest out of this amount
may be used for general purposes. The account will be audited at least once in two year and
audited Report will be presented to General Body for discussion and approval during General
Body Meeting. The payment received for special purposes will be used for that purpose only.
Society will institute fellowships/awards/prizes for students and scientists, which will be decided
by appropriate Committee designated by Governing Council. Sources of income of Society will
be membership fee, donations in cash or in kind, grants/assistance from Government Agencies,
bank interest and surplus money during scientific events.
(a) General Body will be constituted of Members with voting right. General Body of Society
shall meet as a rule at least once every two years. Unless time and place of the meeting
would have been set at the preceding meeting of the General Body, it shall be preferably
held during Conference or major scientific event of the Society. The venue and agenda
finalized by the Governing Council should be communicated to the valid members at
least four weeks in advance either by post or electronically. The business of General
Body Meeting shall be (i) to confirm the minutes of previous General Body Meeting;
(ii) to read and approve previous years audited statements of income and expenditure;
(iii) to approve the audited statements of income and expenditure of previous events; (iv)
to elect the Governing Council for next term (where ever applicable), if election is not
through ballot paper; (v) to appoint advocate/legal advisor/chartered accountant and fix
their remuneration; (vi) ratify the membership of new Members; (vii) any other matter
raised by any Member with voting right should be given in writing (post or electronic) to
President/Secretary at least five days prior to General Body Meeting.
(b) Governing Council shall meet at least once in a year at venue and time decided in
consultation with Members of Governing Council. Web/electronic/tele-conference based
meeting for Governing Council will be adopted if needed and decided by Governing
Council. The notice for the meeting shall be sent at least two weeks in advance and
agenda for the meeting will be drafted by the Secretary in consultation with President and
Vice President, which shall be circulated to Members of Governing Council at least one
week prior to the date of the meeting. In Governing Council meeting, in case of a tie, the
President shall exercise the right to cast the deciding vote.
(c) Minutes of General Body and Governing Council Meetings will be prepared by Secretary
and within 15 days of meeting will be circulated to Members attending the Meeting by
post or electronically for finalization. Final minutes of Governing Council Meetings will
be circulated to General Body Members either by post or electronically.
(d) At the General Body Meeting, questions of scientific or administrative nature shall be
decided by a simple majority of votes of the members with voting right present and
voting. In case of a tie, the President shall exercise the right to cast the deciding vote.
(e) An extra ordinary General Body Meeting of Society may be convened by Governing
Council in case of deemed emergency necessary upon a written request made by 2/3rd
Members with voting right of Society to the President.
Except for the first Governing Council, Members of Governing Council shall be elected
by simple majority of General Body Meeting. Till the number of Members with voting
right reach to critical mass, General Body may elect Governing Council during General
Body Meeting either by consensus or simple majority. Election of Governing Council can
be changed to ballot paper (paper/electronic) mode by simple majority of General Body
Meeting. Ballot paper, election will be conducted by secret ballot by an Election Officer
appointed during General Body Meeting. Ballot paper will be sent to the eligible
members with voting right either by mail or electronically. The election process, ballot,
method of delivery and any modification shall be approved by the General Body.
Election Officer shall be a Full Member of Society, but will not be contesting for election
for Governing Council for that year. Election Officer will conduct the election as per
rules and regulations in the constitution of Society existing at the time of General Body
Meeting. List of Members with voting right at the time of General Body Meeting will be
used for election procedure. For age calculation for election process, age as on April 1 of
that particular year should be considered and if required Member has to submit valid
proof of age.
(a) Not less than 16 weeks before completion of term of Governing Council, Election Officer
will communicate the list of Members with voting right through email or web page for
any correction in their postal address and verification.
(b) Not less than 14 weeks before the completion of term of Governing Council, the Election
Officer shall send a request for nominations, specifying the vacancies in Governing
Committee to each Member with voting right either by mail or electronically. Within 10
weeks before the completion of term of Governing Council, all nominations shall be
received by the Election Officer. A person should be nominated and seconded each by a
separate Member with voting right. A person will not contest for more than one post.
Office bearers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) of Governing council
will be those who have an academic/scientific position in any Institution excluding those
who are on honorary positions.
(c) The names of valid nominees shall be communicated to the Members with voting right
either by post or electronically. If election is required by paper ballot paper, the Election
Officer will send the original ballot paper with serial number and signature to Members
with voting right not less than ten weeks before the completion of term of Governing
Council. Election officer will also send details like designation, address and brief bio-data
of candidates either by mail or electronically to Members with voting right. Members will
be elected based on simple majority and results should be declared before completion of
term of Governing Council.
In event of web-mediated electronic voting, the election procedure will be discussed and
finalized in General Body Meeting by two-third majority.
(a) No part of this rules and regulations shall be amended or annulled except by formal
proposal of an Amendment, followed by opportunity for discussion at General Body
Meeting. Proposal of an Amendment may be made by a Member of the Governing Council
or by petition to the President signed by at least five Members with voting right. The
Secretary shall distribute (electronically or by post) the proposed Amendment to all Members
of the Society with voting right no less than three weeks before next General Body Meeting.
Adoption of a proposed Amendment shall require the affirmative votes of not less than
two-thirds of the Members with voting right present and voting in General Body Meeting. No
amendment of this rules and regulations can be made by any other way than discussion and
voting during General Body Meeting.
(b) Change in name and objects of Society shall take place according to Section of 12 and
12-A of the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
(a) Membership of any Member will be terminated in case of default in payment of dues and
(b) The General Body of the Society has the right to revoke the membership (without return
of Membership fee) of any member who seriously violates the rules of the Society or
jeopardizes objectives, professional/public misconduct/misdeed and serious violation of
constitution of the Society. For termination of any elected Member of Governing Council
(including any office bearer), at least 1/5th Full Members and/or 2/5th of other Members with
voting right should submit a written petition. Such petition should get approval of General
Body Meeting with two-third assertive majority. For termination of Membership of any
Member, at least 10 Members with voting right should submit a written petition. Before
termination of Membership, the aggrieved Member shall have opportunity for redressal by
appealing to appellate authority. The appellate authority shall be constituted by Governing
Council. Recommendation of appellate authority shall be binding to both parties subject to
ratification by the General Body Meeting with two-third assertive majority of voting and
(c) Any Member may submit his/her resignation to President/Secretary on the basis of
change of Nationality and research interest. Cases of resignation shall be submitted to
General Body Meeting for discussion and approval with simple majority.
1. In the event of the Society being dissolved for any reason, it shall be dissolved as per
provisions laid down in Section 12 and 12A of the Societies Registration Act 1860.
2. In the event of dissolution of the Society for any reason, the surplus funds remaining after
satisfaction of debts and liabilities shall not be distributed among members, but shall be
paid or transferred to some other charitable institutions or institutions having aims similar
to those of the Society. Such institution or institutions shall be determined by the
members of the General Body at or before the time of dissolution.
Certified to be true copy of the Rules and Regulation of the Society viz. “SOCIETY FOR RADIATION RESEARCH (SRR)” Mumbai 400 056