Provide all the necessary particulars. SUBMISSION Fields marked with an asterisks (*) are mandatory.
Once the application process is complete, participant will be unable to Edit his/her profile details (unless it is sent for revision), but status of application can be viewed after login on SRR website (right hand corner top) using login (your email) and password (sent to your email). Please ensure to provide only a valid and permanent email. You will be not able to change your email ID, it will be your permanent login. This email will also be used for all communications.
At this stage, applicant will be required to select two SRR Members for nomination, who may be familiar with applicant. Application will undergo initial check and if required, it will be sent for revision. Applicant will be required to make necessary changes and re-submit the application if sent for revision.
After initial check, application will be sent for nomination through email. For this, an email with hyperlinks will be sent to nominating SRR Member(s). Using three hyperlinks, these nominating members shall be able to view a PDF file of application. He/she will have option either to accept or reject the nomination.
After successful nomination, application will be sent to Governing Council (GC) of SRR for its approval.
After GC approval, member will be required to make payment of Membership and donation (if any). The details for payment will be intimated by email. After making payment, applicant will be required to provide payment details using his/her login. Applicant will be required to take a print out of PDF application, put his/her signature with date, place and send a hard copy by post to Secretary, SRR.
Once hard copy of the membership application form will be received and receipt of payment is verified, membership number and necessary receipt (for membership fee and registration will) be issued.
(a) Full Members: Full membership is for Indian Nationals who have contributed significantly in the area of radiation research and/or allied sciences and have substantial peer-reviewed research publications (minimum cumulative impact factor: 10 or 5 international Journals) in the research areas related to radiation research or Ph.D. qualification in the research areas related to radiation and/or cancer research/and or allied sciences or substantial clinical experience with at least M.D./M.S./or equivalent degree. Applicants for full membership in the Society must be nominated by two Full/Emeritus members of the Society. Full Members will be Life Members. The rights and privileges of Full Members will include voting, holding office in Governing Council and Working Committees, subscribing to the publications of the Society and participating in scientific meetings/conferences/workshops etc. at rates as decided by Governing Council. Full Members with minimum 15 years of Full Membership who have retired from his/her own institution or reached age of 70 years (with minimum 10 years of Full Membership) and do not hold any position in any Institution, is exempted to pay fee for any scientific events of the Society. He/she has all the rights and privileges of Full Members except contesting for any position in Governing Council.
(b) Emeritus Members: Full Member with minimum 15 years of Full Membership, reached 70 years and contributed significantly to Society may be nominated by Governing Council as Emeritus Member. He/she will have all the rights and privileges of Full Members except contesting for any position in Governing Council and would be exempted from paying fee for scientific events of the Society. Emeritus Members will be Life Members.
(c) Overseas Members: Scientists/researchers of non-Indian nationality fulfilling the requirements of Full Members will be Overseas Members of Society. He/she will have all rights and privileges of Full Members except holding a position in Governing Council. Applicants for Overseas membership in the Society must be nominated by two Full/Emeritus members of the Society. Overseas Members will be Life Members.
(d) Associate Members: Applicants that do not meet the requirements for full membership or another membership category, but whose interests and endeavors are otherwise oriented with the objectives of the Society, shall be Associate Members of the Society. Applicants for associate membership in the Society must be nominated by two Full/Emeritus/Overseas members of the Society. Associate Members have all privileges of Full Members except voting or holding position in Governing Council. Associate Members will be Life Members.
(e) Student Member: Students working/interested in area of radiation research will be student Member limited to five years from time of paying student membership fee, extendable at intervals of five years. Students acquiring any scientific position will no longer be considered for student membership. Applicants for Student membership must be nominated by two Full/Emeritus/Associate Members of the Society and should produce certificate from Head of Institution/Guide. Student Member has all the privileges of Full Members except voting or holding post in Governing Council. Student Members will be eligible for student travel award and other student privileges decided by Governing Council.
(f) Honorary Members: Honorary members will be the outstanding scientists in the field, either from India or abroad, who will be nominated unanimously by the Governing Council and will be offered membership for life. They shall have the same rights as Full members except right to vote and to be elected to the Governing Council. They shall be exempted from paying Membership Fee and registration fee at the scientific events organized by the Society.
(g) Corporate Members: Any corporation or business interested in the goals and mission of the Society may join as Corporate Member. The term of corporate members will be for five years, which may be extended after paying a fee decided by Governing Council. Applicants for corporate membership must be nominated by two Full/Emeritus Members of the Society. Corporate Members will not have right to vote or hold post in Governing Council. Corporate Members will nominate their representatives for participation and their exhibition during events of Society at reduced rates. They will add their advertisement in publications/web page of Society at reduced rate. The reduced rate and number of representatives will be decided by Governing Council.
(h) Institutional Members: Academic Departments or Institutes may join as Institutional Members. The term of Institutional members will be for five years, which may be extended after paying a fee decided by Governing Council. Institutional Members will not have right to vote or hold office in Governing Council of the Society. An Institutional Member may subscribe to the Society’s publications only at the institutional rates decided by Governing Council. Institutional members will be allowed to sponsor five students as Student Member and two faculties as Associate Member from their institution for membership of the society without additional Membership fee. The Membership period of these Members will be till the term of Institutional Membership or till tenure of such member in the Institute whichever is earlier.