SRR Young Scientist Award (SYSA)

Applications are invited for the ‘SRR Young Scientist Award’ from young researchers (Indian and overseas) who have not crossed the age of 35 years as on November 24, 2024. He/she should have an outstanding contribution in the area of Radiation Research (in line with the major topics of the Conference). If candidate is selected for SYSA, he/she needs to make presentation based on the submitted abstract. If not selected for SYSA, the abstract would be reviewed for oral/poster presentation. At the time of abstract submission, the applicant needs to submit a single PDF file containing following (a. A brief write-up of research achievements not exceeding 250 words, b. a brief CV and a list of peer reviewed research publications (with PMID and IF) not more than 5 pages, c. Any document as proof of date of birth)

Short-listed applicants shall be called for a platform presentation during the Conference. Based on their presentation, defense and overall merit of research, awardee(s) shall be selected by a committee of eminent scientists. Successful candidates will be awarded a citation/ medal and a cash prize during the valedictory function. Number/category of award would be decided by a Committee.

SRR Oral Presentation Award (SOPA)

Abstracts submitted for oral/poster presentation will be evaluated by a Review Committee. Based on the merit and relevance, the presenting author of short-listed abstracts shall be called for platform oral presentation during the conference. These oral presentations will be evaluated for Oral Presentation Awards by an Evaluation Committee. Awardees shall receive a citation/ medal and a cash prize during the Valedictory function. The abstracts submitted for oral presentation but not short-listed for SOPA will be automatically reviewed for poster presentation and will be eligible for SRR Poster Presentation Award.

SRR Student Travel Award (SSTA)

A few travel awards are available for Indian students/postdoctoral fellowship/research associate, who do not have fund from their fellowship/host Institute. Following criteria and conditions will be applicable for this award:

Their abstract should be accepted for poster/oral presentation. At the time of abstract submission, applicant needs submit (a PDF version) a letter from their Guide/Mentor of Department/Institute in support of their application to seek Travel award in format available on the website.

Award will be selected based on the merit of abstract and order of preference (students, PDF, RA). A preference would be given to SRR members.

The selected candidates would receive onwards/return journey fare by three tier AC train by shortest route from his/her Institute to Patna and back. A copy of ticket should be submitted during the Congress for re-imbursement.

Student Travel Award Form

Incomplete and Late Applications would not be considered.

Deadline for all Award Applications: Aug 15, 2024
Intimation of short-listed candidates for SYSA, SOPA and SSTA: Aug 30, 2024

All accepted abstracts for presentation in Conference would be published in Journal of Radiation and Cancer Research, the official publication of SRR, before the Conference.

Number/category of awards would be decided by a Committee.

The decision of Award(s) by Award Committee(s) will be final and binding to the applicants.